Want to learn how to invest in Palestine ? Sam Bahour explains….

For the month of March, $7 from every purchase goes to Americans for a Vibrant Palestinian Economy. Here's why I want to support the work they do:

Instead of focusing on political activism, I want to branch out and find out more about economic activism, something that tends to get sidelined in the Palestine solidarity community. So I’m interviewing Sam Bahour, a business development consultant living in Ramallah and founder of Americans for a Vibrant Palestinian economy. Sam frequently provides independent commentary on Palestine and serves as a policy adviser of Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network. He blogs at www.epalestine.com

Sam, through his work at the newly formed 501 (c) (3) non-profit Americans for a Vibrant Palestinian Economy, is educating the American business world about how difficult the Israeli occupation makes doing business for Palestinians. His goal is for American business people to start putting pressure on the Israeli government to allow Palestinians the freedom to develop their economy.
Sam is drawing needed attention to the flip side of divestment, that is positive investment in the Palestinian economy. This means investment free of Israeli occupation control that removes the forced dependency on Israel. In the interview Sam explains how people just like you can invest in the Palestinian economy which in turn creates jobs for Palestinians, which allows them to stay in Palestine.

February's fundraising campaign for If Americans Knew was a success! Together we raised $497 which will go to putting up a new billboard. For the month of March I will be donating $7 from every item purchased at to Sam's non-profit organization, Americans for a Vibrant Palestinian Economy.

In Solidarity,
-Katie Miranda.

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